Thursday, September 11, 2014

HW for Tuesday, 9/16

1. Read part I, “Justice” and start “The Voyage” (91-130) in We, the Drowned

2. Review Rules for Writers chapter on commas and our comma blog post, as you edit your Essay 1 draft (I imagine that the following to take an hour or so--but not really shorter).

  • Copy and paste one of your first two paragraphs from Essay into a new document. 
  • Print off that one paragraph and diagram each sentence's subject (sub), main verb (v), and object (obj). Also, label each dependent clause in your essay (DEP) with brackets.
  • Once you diagram each sentence, go back and test for where to insert commas. WHEN you find other errors (like realizing you have a comma splice or fused run-on) mark those, too.
    • Your focal task is adding missing commas and deleting unnecessary commas, and replacing commas used erroneously as end punctuation (splices), so that your sentences are more coherent. However, when you realize spelling errors, etc., fix them!
  • In the margin next to the sentence, name the type of Comma Rule being used. Label at least three (3) sentences. For instance, did you add commas because you have an "intro phrase" or "relative clause" or "series/list."
  • After editing the paragraph with your pen or pencil, go back to the computer and work out those edits in your essay, in that paragraph. 
  • Print off the newly edited paragraph and staple it behind your diagrammed and marked-up version. 
  • Hand in your paragraphs at the start of class on Tuesday. Your professor will assess your understanding and proper use of commas. 

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