Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, 10/7: Investigating Your Essay 2 Draft's Main Idea

Dear Students: I am unable to teach today, so I have set up the following instructions for you to follow to make up for

Here is what you need to do for today and Tuesday's classes:

1. You will need to bring in two drafts of Essay 2: the first is the one you were going to hand in today, and the second draft is the revisions you make based on the workshop questions below. I STRONGLY REQUEST THAT YOU TAKE OUR CLASS TIME FROM TODAY TO WORK ON THAT SECOND DRAFT! DON't WASTE ANOTHER 120 hours in the five days before we see each other next. 

2. E-mail me your Essay 2 thesis statement at christopher.ankney AT by the end of today, Thursday, 10/2.

3. Make sure you have finished up to the end of "The Breakwater" in We, the Drowned. 

4. Those who have yet to hand me Essay 1's second draft--e-mail me that essay if you want to have any feedback by Tuesday.

5. Those who want me to scan and send them Essay 1's graded essay with feedback, I will do so at your request. If you want me to just summarize your grade and feedback, I will do that, instead, if you request.

WORKSHOP REVISION Questions for Essay 2:

Why do you want what you want? --> Do you answer that question? Where at in the essay do you answer this question? Ask the following and answer as you revise your draft.
  • How can you introduce the "why" in the intro? Where have you already done so? How can you improve upon the why? 
  • Do you devote one body paragraph to "why" you want to gain or recover? 
  • Do you reiterate in some way, in your conclusion, what your "thing" means for you?

Who are you? Where are you from? What is your background? What do we get to know about you as the writer/narrator that matters towards what you hope to attain?
  • Do you describe yourself? What could you add to your identity that matters--how do you think the world sees you?

  • "Girl"
      • Do you describe where you are from? What types of things symbolize the type of life you have lived to this day? 
      • Do you describe the life you want? What types of things do you see in that life? 

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