***In Notes: create a vocabulary list of important terms, and define those terms. 'Setting' is one of those terms! Pick other terms from those below, and define as we discuss***
Foundational Questions:
What does culture involve? In what ways can you, the writer, narrow down that largest, broadest term into something manageable to think about and write upon?
What is a worldview? What is a mindset?
What does evolution mean, specifically in regards to Marstal?
How can you analyze Marstal's culture? What are some of the topics covered?
- Life at sea/economy
- Technological advances
- Wars
- Gender roles
- Religion versus education
Other Relevant Topical Questions and Points to Make in Such a Case:
1. What happens to characters based on their way of life? (This is such an umbrella question that you can come up with many more once you isolate a few answers.)
2. How do the main characters feel about Marstal and what commentary do they make about life there? How does it evolve over time, for the character? (Understanding and exploring characterization leads to insight into themes about the larger world.)
3. What physical changes in Marstal happen in the 100 years or so? What mindset/worldview changes happen in that time?
4. What doesn't change, physically, about Marstal? What other things don't change--mindsets, norms and beliefs? Specify.
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