Thursday, October 30, 2014

Essay 3: Outline One Body Paragraph, Then...

Again, before trying to answer everything in essay or in paragraphs, focus on each smaller part that an outline has. In other words, FOLLOW DIRECTIONS and don't jump ahead.

Open up a new Word Document. Put your name at the top left hand side. Label this Essay 3 Body Paragraph Outline. Then go step by step in answering each of the questions. (Don't waste time rewriting these questions, just place the answers in your outline.)

II.  Body Paragraphs

A. Topic Sentence Claim (answer the question to get the claim):  What is one illogical belief/stereotype against your subject group, and what is the biggest reason the belief is illogical?  [use sentence combining techniques to answer both what and why]


1. What is further reason that develops from, or relates to, that main reason? (answer in one sentence)


  • Who/what is an example that fits your reason? Explain how the example fits.
    • Answer:

2. What is another reason that your topic sentence claim is valid? (answer in one sentence)


  • Who/what is an example that fits your reason? Explain how the example fits.
    • Answer:

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