Thursday, November 6, 2014

HW for Tuesday

1. Bring in CLEAN, REVISED AND EDITED Essays 1, 2 and Midterm. If you come to class having done nothing but what we have worked on in class, with essays that have your professor's critique all over it, then you are setting yourself up for failing the class.

Your job over this weekend is to re-write and edit those essays that you feel will help you get out of Developmental English and into credit level courses. Coming to class with essays that you have not touched, looked at, or thought much about just indicates something about where you are at in "getting it."

I have given you multiple activities and ideas for how to work on your language. The hard part is yours to work out: putting in the difficult thinking and working on your essay's language, because you must realize that what you have done so far is simply not good enough to pass a credit-level class.

Work on a few of these things, separately, daily, between now and Tuesday:

1. Adding context to your introductions. Giving proper background information and details. Who is your audience, what do they need to know about your subject? What is the purpose of the essay, and what points am I making to support and prove that purpose?

2. Edit run ons

3. Edit comma errors

4. Edit your sentences for concision

5. Edit fragments

6. Edit mechanics

7. Edit agreement issues: subject verb, tense, point of view

8. Content revision/addition: Work on adding details and descriptions to examples

9. Work on Emphasizing Key Ideas with coordination and subordination

10. Edit concision of sentences.

11. Get a dictionary out, a thesaurus, and build up your individual essay word banks. Work on going through essays, identifying repeated words and phrases, and work on new forms of expressions--synonyms!

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